18 03, 2009

St. Patrick’s Day Glasses


My life as a freelancer is evolving quickly and I am starting to develop work in new areas for myself. I will post more about that later for all you interested fans (all three of you) as things develop. For now I’m sending out my best wishes to those at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. I feel [...]

St. Patrick’s Day Glasses 2017-10-24T15:54:26+00:00
10 03, 2009



Over the past weekend I found myself with my camera looking for moments in two widely differing situations. I covered Salinas High Basketball team as Bellarmine Prep. hammered them to a 65-36 loss. The morning after that I was just looking to get something different of my friend and his son as they played in [...]

Moments 2017-10-24T15:57:13+00:00